Dental Bridges at Roe Street Dental Practice, Macclesfield, Cheshire

Dental bridges are a fixed solution to replace a single or multiple missing teeth.


There are three categories of bridges;

  1. Conventional bridges
  2. Metal winged Maryland bridges
  3. Ceramic winged Maryland bridges


Bridges are attached to a natural tooth (known as the abutment) and are fixed into place.


The main advantages of bridges are;

  • Fixed solution
  • Good cosmetic result
  • Feel natural
  • Less costly than implants


The main disadvantages are;

  • May require some grinding of the adutment tooth, or teeth 
  • Rely on the integrity and strenght of the abutment tooth, or teeth
  • If a large gap is present, they may not be possible

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Roe Street Dental Practice

1 Roe Street


SK11 6UT

Opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

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